Custom golf shirts & alternative course logos

Design a custom golf shirt or logo based on the unique attributes of your golf course.

REP18 stands out for their remarkable ability to weave a golf course's legacy into a logo and golf shirt design.”

Willy Lutz, PGA, Director of Golf, General Manager at Raspberry Falls Golf & Hunt Club and Middle Atlantic 2023 PGA section merchandiser of the year for public courses.

Case studies


  • Our high quality golf shirts are designed to highlight the uniqueness and history of your course. Each color and pattern on the shirt is selected to represent your course. Your customers and members will love the exclusivity of these golf shirts.

  • Custom golf shirts are perfect for:

    1. Selling exclusive merchandise in your pro shop that can’t be found at any other course

    2. Creating members only merchandise that shows off their course

    3. Gifting member/guest and charity outing participants with a golf shirt that is exclusively crafted for their event

  • There is a minimum order of 100 shirts per design. Prices at 100 shirts are comparable to the wholesale pricing of other high end apparel brands. Price discounts are available for high volume orders.

  • The process starts with a discovery period during which we understand your course’s history and your goals for the custom golf shirt. We use this information to create a design brief and shirt mockups. Once we receive your approval, the manufacturing process begins and the shirts are delivered to your pro shop upon completion. The lead time is six to nine months.

Custom golf shirt FAQs

  • Alternative or secondary logos are a great way to highlight the unique characteristics and history of your course. Your members or customers will appreciate wearing and explaining the logo to their friends and coworkers. Alternative or secondary logos may also be an additional revenue driver for your pro shop.

  • Alternative or secondary logos are great for courses who want to offer something unique in their pro shop. Members only logos are another use case for courses who want to give their membership something exclusive. Lastly, alternative or secondary logos can also be created for member/guest tournaments or charity golf outings.

  • The course owns all rights to the logo once the project is complete.

  • The process starts with a discovery period during which we understand your course’s history and your goals for the alternative logo. We use this information to create a design brief and logo concepts. Once we receive your approval, we refine your logo and deliver it to you upon completion. The lead time is one to three months.

Custom course logo FAQs